Saturday, December 16, 2017

Frachise or not

Blogger still a safer haven to say something about your life or about how you feel. Even though you put your emotion here and target here, there are no critique, no comparing and it is just literally read and feel.

Hi I've been out again for a long time. It is safe place for me let me spit out.

I've been doing quite well in my life now, though, it is coasting along the rail but still i understand that i'm still going up. *Chuckles

I've come back to talk about my big plan and how's is life to be part of the franchising. Years back, I've been mumbling of having business. Yes, I'm doing my own business in education and it is pretty difficult at the starting point. 

Franchise often centralised all the freedom to make use of their brand under the headquarters. In other word, you ought to be less creative to follow the sets of dogmas. Otherwise, you are going to be frustrated just like me. Restriction of being outlier is one thing you must endure in franchising.

Another thing to watch out, protection plan. The most worrisome thing in business world is to compete. To compete with other brands, to compete in strategy and etc. How about competing with own brand? Ridiculous isn't it? How can one compete with own brand. That's the thing you should rule out. Watch out for their protection plan. If they don't have one, don't sign up even it looks tempting good. 

The next thing to do is to hold your calculator and think of the royalty. How confident you are to survive and prosper after profit cut and give to the mother company. If you are newbie, yet, don't feel gaining experience as your goal. Along the way, as you gain enough experience you will feel harder to continue the business. You know what i meant. *wink

We still left about 2 years of contract and I've made up my mind to kickstart my own brand. Though we are not ready structurally, certification wise and even the team, I believe we will pickup along the trial and error. 

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